Holistic approaches to managing health conditions
Learn about gut health, ageing, and hormonal imbalances and how to manage them effectively. At Therapy Nutrition, we provide expert guidance on functional testing, and personalised nutrition plans using a functional medicine approach to enhance your well-being at every stage of life.
Healthy Ageing
Ageing is a natural process in which cells renew themselves after their cycles. Some nutritional, environmental, and psychological factors can impact these cycles. Antioxidants are the key compounds that help us fight ageing and its consequences.
Gut Health Nutrition
The digestive system covers the most functional symptoms in the body, from the immune system, mental health, hormonal balance, inflammation, and skin health there are many consequences to poor Gut Health.
Hormones Health
Hormones are the chemical communicators. These molecules give messages to different parts of our body. They play an important part in conditions such as T2 Diabetes, fertility, pregnancy, energy metabolism, weight and many more conditions.
Consult our Articles
Stress and cortisol: roles, functions and issues.
The Importance of the Microbiome for Health and Well-Being.